Thursday, May 31, 2012


This blog is not very personal, especially with two people contributing. But, today is my paternal Grandparents Bob and Guadalupe's 60th wedding anniversary. I don't know anyone else who's celebrated such a milestone with their marriage. 60 years...I hope to be so lucky, I have another nearly 57 to go.

My Grandparents wrote the following words to my husband and I on our wedding day...I treasure these words.

"As your day comes around look to the future and do not be in a hurry to pursue it. Love each other and conduct each other. Marriage is a 50/50 proportion that at times is more to one side than the other. Be happy in life and cling to each other in all things."

Grandma and Grandpa, Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary!


*Oh, and no, your grandparents were never as attractive as mine, period.


Saw this image on my daily style today. This is how it's done.

*I'm back for real this time...trying to balance work and private life has proven a little tricky for me. It's under control now...I'll stop being lazy. 
